Common conditions in Elderly
Common conditions in Elderly
Frailty is common condition in older adults which manifests as comorbidities characterized by low physical activity, global muscle weakness, reduced muscle strength, tiredness, andpoor mobility. Recent studies suggested Frailty increased with age, affecting 10% of adults aged 50–64 and 43.7% of adults aged ≥65. Physiotherapy exercises can help to restore muscle strength and improve mobility.
As we get older we start losing bone density leading to osteopenia or osteoporosis. In this condition bones break more easily without trauma/fall. Osteoporosis is common in male over 70 and women over 65 and prevalence increases with history of cancer, long term steroid, smoking and heavy drinking. It is evident from various studies that exercises like weight bearing activities like walking and jogging and tai chi, are more effective as it stimulates bone osteogenesis.
Osteoarthritis is degenerative process of the bones and joints which leads to reduced range of movements in various joints in elderly, therefore effecting overall mobility in the elderly. Osteoarthritis lead to joint pain and stiffness effecting your activities of daily living. Osteoarthritis can effect any joints but its more common in knee, hips, hands and spine. Exercises can help to reduce pain and joint stiffness which helps in improving mobility. Certain osteoarthritis joints may need surgical intervention like knee and hip replacements which has good success rate and patients can return to normal activities in 6 – 12 weeks with physiotherapy rehabilitation. Physiotherapy rehabilitation in Joint replacements includes gradual and graded exercise program to restore muscle strength and joint movement to improve overall mobility.
In people above 80, there is high incidence of mechanical pain like back pain, sprains and strains, tendinitis etc. There has been significant increase in taking up sports and exercises among the elderlies due to various health promotion measured taken by department of health. People may sufferfrom tennis elbow or an ankle sprain or you would have injured your low back playing golf, physiotherapy and exercises can help to accelerate your recovery and facilitate early return to fitness and sports.
Falls are one of the most common and underrated ailment as there is high prevalence of falls in patients over 65. Around 1 in 3 adults over 65 and half of people over 80 will have at least one fall a year (NHS). Most common cause of falls are global muscle weakness, poor balance and mobility, comorbidities like long term heart conditions, low blood pressure and dementia. Physiotherapy can help to improve strength and balance to prevent falls.
Dementia is a common progressive disorder in older adults when brain is effected by specific disease which is not part of normal ageing process. Dementia effects the ability of the individual to think, make decisions, communicate, reasoning and problem solving. The physio can work with the person with dementia and educate their carers to encourage and promote physical activity and maintain their mobility and independence for as long as possible (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy).